What does this sign mean?
You must drive faster than 100 km/h. -
You must not drive faster than 100 km/h.
The sign applies to truck drivers only, cars can travel at any speed.
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How EzLicence works
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Find Your Driving Instructors
Choose from a wide variety of instructors in your area. Check rating & reviews from real learners.
Book Your Driving Lessons
Book online with instant confirmation. Easily manage your lesson schedule via our online dashboard.
Learn to Drive
Your instructor picks you up from your chosen address and you're on your way 🚗
Ready for driving lessons?
EzLicence connects learner drivers with the best driving schools
Learner drivers
Gain experience, prepare for your driving test and complete log book hours.
International conversions
Convert your licence or simply build your confidence on Australian roads.
Driving tests
Book a test package which includes pick-up, a pre-test lesson, use of a car & drop off.
Book driving lessons with confidence
Choose a driving instructor you can trust
Instructor ratings
Access peer reviews & find an instructor who has consistently provided a great learning experience.
We obtain up to date copies of relevant instructor accreditations & verify their working with children credentials.
Vehicle safety
Gain access to instructor vehicle make, model, year & safety rating.
Always your choice
Don't like your current instructor? Select a new instructor via our online portal, no questions asked.
Why choose EzLicence?
Unlike a typical driving school, EzLicence is an Australian first platform that allows learner drivers & parents to find, compare and book verified driving instructors online. The platform brings transparency, choice and efficiency to the selection of a driving instructor and the ongoing management of driving lessons.
1000+ Driving Instructors
3700+ Suburbs Serviced
#1 Online Bookings
✓Choose your own private driving instructor
✓Largest choice of driving instructors in Australia
✓Book driving lessons online in real-time
✓Driving instructor profiles, ratings & reviews
✓Manage your driving lesson bookings online
✓Change your driving instructor online
✓International driver’s licence conversions
✓Book driving lessons with flexibility
✓Licenced and accredited driving instructors
✓Eligible for bonus log book hours (1 hr = 3 hrs)
✓Driving instructor cars dual controlled
✓Auto & manual cars available
✓Your very own private driving instructor
✓Review all of the driving schools in your area
✓Patient & friendly male & female driving instructors